Food.i | Home Chef App


To create an application for a user to be able to order a private chef to cater for their events, or just a family dinner. This app is centered around the user, to be able to order professional grade food at the tip of their fingers.


Step 1: Define - Defining the product, finding out what will work for the user.
Step 2: Research - Researching similar apps to find the right flow for the user, whilst finding contrasting colours.
Step 3: Ideate - Brainstorming different ideas, coming to a solid concept prepared for prototyping.
Step 4: Prototype - Building a representation of the solution
Step 5: Presentation - Presenting the finished solution to the client


Adobe XD

Photo of Personal Chef App Design
Food.i Loading & Sign Up ScreenFood.i Log In ScreenFood.i Home ScreenFood.i Chef Profile & Meal Profile Screen

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